An eligible conduit MUST ESTABLISH A GUARANTEE LINE before any guarantee coverage.
The Credit Conduit must submit the following documentary requirements to establish a guarantee line:
1. Request for Guarantee Line
2. Board Resolution (for banks, cooperatives, FOs, NGOs, etc.)
3. Specimen Signature
4. Guarantee Agreement (signed by the conduit in all pages)
5. AGFP Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) (signed by the credit conduit in all pages)
6. Financial statements for the past three years and Interim Financial Statement
7. Basic Business Information (Company/Organization Profile)
A credit conduit with unexpired guarantee line may apply for guarantee coverage and must submit the following documentary requirements:
1. Request for guarantee coverage
2. Masterlist of sub-borrowers for guarantee coverage (USING AGFP FORMAT)
3. Proof of payment of guarantee fee*
* Guarantee coverage is deemed effective upon payment of the guarantee fee, provided that the conduit has an approved and unexpired guarantee line with the AGFP.
Encouraging Private Financial Institutions (PFIs) and other credit conduits to expand their outreach to palay farmers by providing guarantee coverage to unsecured loans extended by the PFIs and other credit conduits to farmer borrowers engaged in palay and/or other food production projects/activities.
For Inquiries:
Agricultural Guarantee Fund Pool (AGFP)
18th Floor LANDBANK Plaza, 1598 M.H. Del Pilar cor. Dr. J. Quintos Sts.
Malate, 1004 Manila
Contact Numbers: (02) 522-0000 local 2204, 2479 or 8573
Telefax Number: (02) 528-8573
18th Floor LANDBANK Plaza, 1598 M.H. Del Pilar cor. Dr. J. Quintos Sts.
Malate, 1004 Manila
Contact Numbers: (02) 522-0000 local 2204, 2479 or 8573
Telefax Number: (02) 528-8573